Bully Boy Distillers / Serious Eats
Serious Eats takes readers on a photo tour of Boston’s first craft distillery.
Daily Grommet / Record Searchlight
A personal fan of the site, Record Searchlight tech writer Debra Atlas delves into the story behind Daily Grommet and how the curated online marketplace is “helping to redefine online shopping.”
Gemvara / The Nate Berkus Show
In celebration of Nate Berkus’ 40th birthday, Nate and Kimora Lee Simons gave a makeover to a lucky New Jersey woman (also turning 40!) who had sold a diamond anniversary ring from her husband in order to generously spend the
Provincetown / dog FANCY
As the #1 canine resort town on the East Coast, Provincetown is profiled in the “Go” travel feature in the September issue of dog FANCY.
American Seasons / CAPE COD LIFE
CAPE COD LIFE takes a look at American Seasons’ annual Hogtoberfest on Nantucket, a weekend-long event centered on whole-animal carving and eating.
Dermelect Cosmeceuticals / GCI
Founder and President of Dermelect Cosmeceuticals Amos Lavian shares tips on how to protect skin from sun damage in GCI‘s September 2011 issue.
nomorerack.com / Glamour
The September 2011 issue of GLAMOUR features a giveaway of Invicta watches from nomorerack.com in its Free! Free! Free! section.
Grafton Street / Boston
Boston magazine welcomes a new menu and chef at Grafton Street in the September issue, making note that “things are looking tasty.”