BodyScapes / Fitness
Fitness features backwards workouts from One2One BodyScapes’ trainer, David Pardue.
Tory Row / Wallpaper*
Tory Row is featured in Wallpaper* Magazine.
Spreadshirt / American Baby
American Baby feautures Spreadshirt in an article about creating easy costumes for baby.
Dermelect / Genlux
Dermelect is featured in Genlux Magazine.
UFood Grill / Nation’s Restaurant News
Nation’s Restaurant News explores UFood Grill’s commitment to offering healthful fast casual fare.
One2One BodyScapes /
Debbie Berenson of One2One BodyScapes is featured giving outdoor workout tips!
SalonCapri /
SalonCapri’s Claudia Vieira gives tips on how to keep your nails healthy.
marlo m/c /
marlo marketing/communications celebrates five years at Eastern Standard!
Provincetown / The Boston Globe
Our idea to create a Provincetown Restaurant Week to boost shoulder season travel and highlight Provincetown’s culinary prowess was well-received by the media, including this write up and photo in the Boston Globe’sSunday Travel section.
Dermelect /
Latina Beauty editor, Angelique Serrano blogs about her experience using Dermelect’s Makeover Ridge Filler on her nails and comments that they look “clean, even and totally smooth”!