Are Dragons Better Than Zombies?
At a recent marketing conference I attended in Barcelona, Zynga EVP Yaron Leyvand asked that very question. It was rhetorical, of course — he doesn’t know the answer — which is why he wants his marketing team involved from the beginning. Why create a video game based on what the designers “think” gamers want when instead they could easily find out by testing the market. Makes perfect sense, right?
We’d argue that the same line of thinking holds true for many industries, yet — for some reason — marketing often gets pulled in last. “Hey, here’s our product — GO!” Hmm…it’s fully baked, ready to go and now it’s our job to make it move?! Okaaaaay… Had we been brought in before the new CPG product was finalized, packaging and all; or the restaurant concepted, menus designed, and website built; or the spa services and experience finalized before failing to include with current cultural wellness trends…well, we’d argue they could have all been more compelling to the ultimate user with whom we’re tasked to drive awareness and generate sales.
So next time rather than creating a product and then figuring out the marketing, bring your marketing teams (internal or external — or both!) in as part of the ideation and creation process. I guarantee the results will be for the better. Just ask the dragons!