Geoff & Drew’s / Boston Wedding
mm/c created the concept of the chocolate chip cookie wedding cake and “cookie confetti”, that we then used to position our client as trendsetters in the bridal industry in regional publications including Boston Wedding.
marlo m/c / Fancy Food and Culinary Products
mm/c’s suggestion that our client create donkey and elephant-shaped shortbread cookies and package them with their standard chocolate chip cookie offering landed them plenty of coverage around the 2004 Democratic & Republican National Conventions, including in the industry bible Fancy
Geoff & Drew’s / Modern Bride
mm/c created the concept of the chocolate-chip wedding cookie cake and cookie confetti in order to pitch Geoff & Drew’s as wedding innovators for Modern Bride’s 1stannual “25 Trendsetters” feature.
Geoff & Drew’s / US News & World Report
US News & World Report features Geoff & Drew’s S’mores Kit as an out-of-the-box Valentine’s Day gift.