Meet Your Outsourced Marketing Team
Picture this: you’re a leader of a growing multi-unit restaurant concept, an independent group with multiple concepts, or a hotel general manager. You’ve tried to hire for internal marketing roles in the past, but the level of professional you could afford didn’t have the chops and, frankly, you never really felt comfortable judging the actual quality of their work product because it isn’t your area of expertise.
Instead, you’ve stumbled along with a PR firm here, a website developer there, the brother of a friend who does SEO, a FOH college student “studying marketing” doing your social media… You have money to spend on marketing, you’re just tired of feeling like it’s not being well spent. You know you could be doing better at driving butts in seats and heads in beds, you simply don’t know how.
Meet marlo hospitality marketing: your outsourced full-service marketing solution. You don’t think twice about outsourcing IT, human resources and accounting…why not marketing?